Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the place I wanted to share family recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation. They were pretty much kept secret within the family…till now!!

I didn’t want any of these recipes to become lost if someone didn’t want to keep handing them down. They are either from my mom’s side which is I00% German, or my dad’s side which is 100% Romanian.

I learned all of my cooking from my mom, who is actually the one that acquired all the recipes. She said to get them she had to help out while her mom cooked. She would write down everything she did and measured out everything she used. This had to be done since grandma said it was all in her head and never measured anything! She also did the same with her mother- in -law for some of the recipes they had on their side. 

I too have found myself cooking side by side with my mom to make sure that I get everything right! So take a look around and enjoy looking at all our hand me down recipes and also some new ones I have found along the way!


That’s me at age 5, helping my mom in the kitchen!